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The Next Big Wave! Bubonic Plague in China in 2020

         Amid COVID-19 crisis, another life threatening NEWS emerges out from China named “Bubonic Plague”. Bubonic plague one of the types of plague which is caused by a bacterium called “Yersinia pestis.”Bubonic plague is also called "Black Death". Generally, there are three types of plague,
                    1. Bubonic Plague
                    2.Septicemic Plague
                    3. Pneumonic Plague
Bubonic Plague will take 1-7 days after exposure to the bacteria and develop flu-like symptoms. According to Chinese official media, a city in northern China on Sunday sounded an alert for a suspected “Bubonic Plague.”
           On July 1st state-run agency Xinhua reported that two suspected cases of Bubonic page reported in Khovd province in Western Mangolia. A 27-year-old resident and his brother who is 17 years old had eaten the Marmot Meat. The 146 people who came into contact with them have been now isolated.
How people will get affected by this plague?
            If people directly contact the infected tissues or fluids while handling the animal which is affected by the plague or died because of the plague. Also, the inhalation of infected respiratory droplets.This disease mainly spread to humans from fleas who have bitten the infected animals like mice, rats, rabbits, squirrels.
           According to the sources, this disease killed about 12 million in India when it happened in September 1896 which originated in China in 1855. The disease spread over trading ships came to the port cities Calcutta, Punjab. If we look back the history, It killed an estimated 50mn people in Europe during the 14th century. Over 3,200 people were infected worldwide between 2000 and 2015 resulting in 584 deaths.
Few of the symptoms of this disease which includes the below,
  • High Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches
Untreated Bubonic Plague can kill an adult in less than 24 hours.
Treating the Plague:
       We should thank science, with the advancement in science, and with the introduction of the antibiotics, Most of the infections can be treated or it can be prevented.
The World Health Organization has categorized this as a re-emerging disease and according to their data 1000-2000 people contract the plague every year. So far, there is no effective medicine found to eradicate this disease.
        Bruce Y.Lee, professor of Health Policy and Management at the City university of New York wrote, “While the outbreaks of the plague may occur every now and then, it’s very unlikely that this will become an epidemic. The availability of effective treatment has been a game-changer. Before the age of antibiotics, the plague was a big deal, a very big deal. But this isn’t the 1300’s or even the 1800’s anymore. It’s 2020.”
        What do you think? Does Government should focus more on health care systems to prevent humans from such deadly diseases in future? Do the people should be more aware on consuming semi-boiled or raw meat?


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