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What really made Sushant Singh Rajput to commit suicide?

        Sushanth singh is a growing actor in the Bollywood Industry who is only 34 years old. He is the youngest of his five siblings. He has also acted in a film which is the life history of M.S.Dhoni,”The Untold Story”. Previously he was working in the television and because of his hard work he came to the Bollywood screen. Sushanth Singh inctrouced to the Bollywood by the movie “Kai Po Che” which was released in 2012. Then he gradually started attracting the people from his further movies, which gave him a big hit. PK and Ketharnath are the important movies in his career. 
        In 2019 Sushnth singh acted in “Chhichhore” along with Shratha Kapoor. This movie gave him a big hit and gave a good box office collection. It is said that, He also acted in the the remake movie of Hollywood movie “The fault in our stars” movie has been re-produced by Mugesh chapra and its getting ready for the release after post production. That movie is going to be released in OTT. 

        It is said, Sushant singh has been facing lot of issues in his personal life. Due to that he has been experiencing mental stress and he was under medication for that. In this situation he committed suicide, hanging on the ceiling fan in his house at Mumbai. It is asid, There is not sucide note found by the police His uncle gave a complaint in police station stating that it could be murder. Because Sushant is a positive person who believes in God and he will not take such decisions to attempt for suicide. 
How his depression got worse?
An article from national herald said the below regarding his depression, 

These are some of the revelations on Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide made by writer Suhrita Sengupta, a close associate of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt in whose company Suhrita met Sushant for the last time
            “Sushant had come to meet Bhatt Saab for a possible role in Sadak 2. They hit it off instantly, Sushant was a talker. He held forth on every topic under the sun. Sushant could speak on Quantum physics as well as cinema,” says Suhrita sorrowfully.
            Bhatt Saab identified the melancholy under Sushant’s constant exuberance. “He had seen it in Parveen Babi and he knew there was nothing that would be done except medication. Rhea who stuck on in spite of Sushant’s rapid descent into depression tried her best to ensure that Sushant would take his medication. But he refused.”Without medication, Sushant’s depression got worse.
          “During the last one year, he had cut himself completely from all outside contact. Rhea was with him until she could take it no longer. There came a time when Sushant began hearing voices. He began to feel people were trying to kill him. One day an Anurag Kashyap film was playing in Sushant’s home and he told Rhea, ‘I said no to an offer from Kashyap. Now he’s going to come to kill me.’ That’s when Rhea was too frightened to stay with Sushant any longer,” says Suchitra. Source: National Herald

    Also, Lastweek, Sushant’s ex-manager Disha Salian jumped off from a 14 storied building in Mumbai. The actor shared his condolences last week and also posted a note in his Instagram page. This week he is not with us. 

           Lot of celebrities including Narendra Modi conveyed their grief over his death. Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted in Twitter saying “Sushant Singh Rajput.. a bright young actor gone too soon'. Lauding his rise in the world of entertainment, the PM wrote that Rajput 'inspired many and he leaves behind several memorable performances. Shocked by his passing away. My thoughts are with his family and fans. Om Shanti’. 

        Sushant Singh’s death is a big wake up for all of us stress on the mental health. Deepika padukone wrote in her Instagram page that as someone who has battled with mental illness, she understands the importance of reaching out. “As a person who has had a lived experience with mental illness, I cannot stress enough about the importance of reaching out. Talk. Communicate. Express. Seek help. Remember, you are not alone. We are in this together. And most importantly, there is hope,”

            If your friends or family members or anyone who suffers with mental stress, help them to come out of it. If you are struggling with mental stress seek someone's help. 


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