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Boycotting China Products? Know The Brands: Replacements You Need to Jump On

Boycott China products:

          The chorus BOYCOTT CHINA PRODUCTS! Aren’t we hearing this frequently in these times in India? We know why INDIA CHINA BORDER TENSION - WORLD WAR 3? Is it important to BOYCOTT CHINA PRODUCTS at this time? What will happen if we BOYCOTT CHINA PRODUCTS? Boycotting China products, will it affect India in anyway. If so, how we can overcome that? 
          After the clashes between India and China, PM Narendra Modi addressed the nation, immediately the Indian Government canceled all the Chinese deals with BSNL and MTNL. 

       As per sources, Currently, India imports goods worth $70 billion from China annually. India's biggest wholesale market the Delhi's Sadar Bazaar, which has approximately 40,000 shops. Everything in the shops which includes toys, electronics, watches, home appliances are made in China.Traders say they are really ready to boycott the Chinese imports with some conditions. They want to reduce the excise duties, encourage the small-scale industry manufacturing, and to reduce the red-tapism.
Why we are going for China Products?
            The manufacturing cost of the products are high in India when compared to China. We can buy a product for 5 RS in China and can sell that for 7 RS in India. But in India the manufacturing cost for the same product will be 8 RS. So Indian sellers have to sell the product for 10 RS to get the same profit. 
            We Indian people, obviously will think about how to save the money. That’s only because of our economic situation and we have grown up in that kind of situation.
How we are going to support our nation?
            China always appreciates export but they restricts other country to import. If you take China, the people are totally depending on their own country products for everything. In China they are using 'Baidu' search engine, instead of 'Google'. 'Youtube' is replaced by 'Youku', 'Amazon' has been replaced by 'Alibaba' and the Facebook has been replaced by 'Weibo'.
So why cant We?
       In the below section, I have given some of the electronic gadgets manufactured in China, alternatively other brands manufactured in other countries. If you really want to boycott China and help India to grow economically you can buy Indian products or else buy products other than Made in China.
Electronic gadgets brands that’s available in India!
1.Mobile Brands:

2.Laptop Brands:





7.Home Theaters: 



10. Smart watches:

            I've given almost all the brands available on the internet but few of the products that is available on the e-commerce websites don't have any separate websites for their company. They are directly selling those products on the e-commerce websites. 

Do you know any INDIAN BRANDS other than these? or Your Brand is Missing from this list?

Do let us know via comments or email at us I can Include those in this list too.

To retaliate China for their cowardice act, as an Indian citizen we don't need to engage war in the border, Boycotting Chinese brands will send a message to Beijing that we "Indians are united as a Nation"


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