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Get a Clear Skin without acne or scars! Home natural DIY tips!

Hey There!             
            Are you worried of dull or acne prone skin? Here I'm going to give you some natural home DIY tips which will help you for sure to a clean and beautiful skin! The face packs and the remedies that I'm going to give to You is personally I've used and tested on my face. So for sure can try these simple but effective DIY's. You can do all these face packs with the simple ingredients in your home.

           Who don't love to have a clear and glowing skin? All of us always do..! To get a clear skin first You need to get ride of the acne and scars on your skin.. So that's that first step..
How to Get ride of "acne/pimple" :
Image result for acne animation
            Don't do this! Squeezing and touching your acne. Which will increase the inflammation and the acne will spread all over your face. When hair follicles plug with oil or dead skin cells you will get an acne. So try to avoid the oily foods, which is good for our health too!
            After a long day in your office or roaming outside with your dear ones when you come back to home don't forget to take it off your make up. I'm going to suggest all natural products which would not harm your skin.
  • Step 1: To remove your eye make up always use coconut oil, do that to remove your lips make up as well. Your eyes will thank You for this! ;)
  • Step 2: To remove the make up in your face I would suggest to wash your face with usual face wash that you will use always. Once You wash your face wipe it gently, don't rub your face with the towel cos, this will affect your face tissues. 
  • Step 3: Following that, use "Apple cider vinegar". This has anti-inflammatory properties which will kill the acne causing bacteria's and reduce the inflammation. If you are okay with the smell and if your skin is not sensitive, take a cotton ball dip it in the "Apple cider vinegar" and smear it gently all over your face as well as neck. Leave it like that for 2 minutes then wash your face.
  • Step 4: After washing off the apple cider vinegar, take a bowl add a spoon of "Turmeric" (This will do wonders to Your skin, trust me girls!), Aloevera gel (Thank You nature God for this wonderful Gift to get clear skin), Honey mix all these, make it as a paste. Apply this on your face and leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it off. You need to repeat it in alternate days.                                                                                           Image result for clear skin animation smiley                                                                                                                                                                                             If you follow these steps.. Within a week you can see the visible results on your skin!!!  Get ready to get the clear and glowing skin!        

Skin Whitening: 

    Now You got the pimple free skin, if you like to improve your skin tone a best way that I found after trying and got tired of lot of home remedies! here it is...     
Image result for tomato
                Tomato has very effective skin whitening and lightning properties, which will give you a bleaching effect without harming your skin cells. Also it will help you to reduce premature aging wrinkles.
Face pack 1: Grind the tomato and make it as a fine paste, take this paste and with this add all purpose flour/maida. Apply this directly on Your face. So the first day if you applied the turmeric pack on your face the next day you can apply this tomato face pack on Your face.
Face Pack 2: Take 2-3 spoons of gram flour/besan flour with this add a spoon of turmeric powder. To make this as a paste add honey, aloevera gel and rose water. Mix it all together and apply it on Your face.
            In order to maintain Your skin tone you need to follow these steps regularly.  You can see the visible results on Your skin within 2 weeks. This is for external body and for internal You should follow a healthy diet. Make sure your body is hydrated all the time, so drink water/juice to stay hydrated.

Carrot juice :

          To improve Your skin glowing from the inner side of Your body, You can take Carrot juice it contains Vitamin A which is the power house vitamin for so much of our body. It also contains Vitamin C, which has healing properties and reduces skin inflammation.

ABC Juice: 

      This another best Juice to get a glowing skin! Apple, beetroot, Carrot Juice. Apple super antioxidant and it is full of vitamin C, this will help You to get the smooth and radiant skin. Beetroot helps to cleanse the body toxins and it purifies blood and it has good anti aging properties. Also it will improve the blood flow in your body. So You must go for this!!
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If You have any other home diy? Do let me know in comments! Have a happy glowing skin!! :)


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